Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday's Findings

Culturally Contextualized or Historically Connected?
This John MacArthur's critique of a very crucial paragraph in one of the newest church planting books.  Now personally like anything, I think the book itself is good, and like many other things needs to be sifted through.  But MacArthur does give a good hard look at the "new generation" church planting.

 Not Radical Individualism
This is Darrin Patrick's reply to John MacArthur's critical statement about some of his paragraphs in his book on Church Planting.  I thought the reply gives us a good modern day example of how to men can differ the non-essentials but still honor one another in the Lord. 

What Pastors Miss About the Bible (or Why I Wrote Reverberation) - Jonathan Leeman
This seems to be a promising resources for those of us in the ministry context, because we must always remember that we need to continually keep growing.

Teach Me To Pray
This one is probably one of my favorites this week.

How To Write a Theological Paper
Yeah I know this seems like a book worm type article, but for those who are even thinking of writing, this is a great read.

As always there were others but these seemed to really be some good reads. Enjoy!

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