Saturday, January 8, 2011 we even need to ask why?

I am currently reading through one of four books written by a good friend of mine.  The book is The Cup and the Glory, and I was reading through the chapter entitled "The Surprise".  Near the end of the chapter, there is one phrase that seemed to leap off the page and grabbed my attention. 

Stop figuring out why.  Follow instead the Pathfinder and Forerunner of our sufferings.

Now read over that phrase one more time.  Did you catch the impact in that statement.  You may be thinking, well this isn't a very uplifting statement because it talks about suffering.  But that is exactly why it is uplifting.  You see we often view suffering as a thing that is brought about because of something we do, or in the case of believer's life because of some sin.  Yet, we often forget the words of Paul in Philippians 1:29:

"For to you it has been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake."

That is a verse I think we tend to read through and kinda skim over because we do not want the reality of it to sink into our minds and hearts.  It may be because of our lack of faith.  But whatever the reason we need to notice that suffering is part of being a believer whether we like it or not.  Yet it does not mean that we cause or sin and therefore suffering comes.  In some cases throughout the Bible, Job being an example of this, God allows the enemy to cause suffering or in the case of Peter to even sift us like wheat.  Yet, listen to what Peter says in 1 Peter 4:19:

"Therefore let those also who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right."

Now back to the statement: "Stop figuring out why.  Follow instead the Pathfinder and Forerunner of our sufferings."

Ponder over that phrase a bit more and we will unpack it some more in the next few days.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Thank You to Dr. Greg Harris, a mentor and friend in Christ.

Dr. Harris,
I know we did not get to know each other for too long, but what time I had seems to have been used by God to impact me more than anything in the world. There are many times in my life when I return in my thoughts to those times in your class where bits of nuggets were un-earthed and the beauty and majesty of God's Word took on a whole new level for me. Well, I am happy to let you know I am returning to school to finish my Master's degree, and I am also by God's graciousness being given by His hand a position with a dear friend here in Maryville, TN, who is planting a church for God's glory. I will be stepping into the Small Group Director role, so please keep me in your prayers as I begin this next "chapter" in my life and as I just re-read the chapter "The Footprints". I am reminded that Christ has gone before me in this endeavor and as 2 Peter 2:21 tells me, in following Christ there will be suffering, but nothing compared to the suffering that He took in order to was me as white as snow...Truly His footprints are blood stained and yet I long to stand strong in those footprints, knowing it is not me working in myself, but God working in me to do His will for my life, no matter where it takes me. And often times to places I least expected...
Thank you Dr. Harris for all you have done in my life, and yes, which is easier for Him to heal a lame man or forgive His sins?? :) And yes I do still long for that fourth look into the eyes of my Savior and lay my crowns before His feet, and to take that cup and drink with my Savior. Oh the glory of our salvation...

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year Resolutions...

New Year resolutions are a thing of tradition it seems in our busy little world we live in.  I say busy little world, because it often seems we as human beings tend to become focused just on the immediate things around us.  That is often why our resolutions tend to focus on how to better ourselves physically, or how we can be more organized with ALL the things we are involved in.  Yet I wonder if those of us who are believers in Jesus Christ, would instead of adding to their resolutions instead, resolve to focus on making one thing their key focus throughout the year.  That is making much of Jesus Christ in all that we do.  Whether we eat or drink may we do it all to the glory of the Lord.  Or as one author that I enjoy reading has put it, to live the cross centered life.  Yeah this seems like an almost unattainable task to say one would like to do this every day, but I suppose that is where discipline and hard work come into play in our walk with Jesus as He leads us in ever step we should go.  May this new year bring something different in terms of resolutions one that does not focus on us but instead focuses on our need to be more like Christ in everything we do.