Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sick to our stomachs of Sin!

Yeah, I know, why are you talking about "sin" again?  I mean we here enough of it right?  I would have to argue otherwise.  Sin can erode a way the foundation of so many things.  In fact, I would dare say it has eroded away the very foundation of many homes and even churches.  Yep, I said, it.  Sin has eroded away the foundation of many churches, whether it be out right sin, or apathy to it.  One way or the other sin has caused the walls to fall.  Why is this, what has happened to us as Christians that has caused us to allow such a thing so despised by God to creep into the fabric of our everyday lives and our churches?    Without beating around the bush, I would dare say it is our lack of what some have called a war-time mentality toward sin.  Or as the Geoarge Whitefield once declared to his hearers:
Our best duties are as so many splendid sins. Before you can speak peace to your heart you must not only be sick of your original and actual sin, but you must be made sick of your righteousness, of all your duties and performances. There must be a deep conviction before you can be brought out of your self-righteousness; it is the last idol taken out of our heart. The pride of our heart will not let us submit to the righteousness of Jesus Christ. But if you never felt that you had no righteousness of your own, if you never felt the deficiency of your own righteousness, you can not come to Jesus Christ.  11
  But then, before you can speak peace to your souls, there is one particular sin you must be greatly troubled for, and yet I fear there are few of you think what it is; it is the reigning, the damning sin of the Christian world, and yet the Christian world seldom or never think of it.  12
  And pray what is that? It is what most of you think you are not guilty of—and that is, the sin of unbelief. Before you can speak peace to your heart, you must be troubled for the unbelief of your heart. But can it be supposed that any of you are unbelievers here in this churchyard, that are born in Scotland, in a reformed country, that go to church every Sabbath? Can any of you that receive the sacrament once a year—oh, that it were administered oftener!—can it be supposed that you who had tokens for the sacrament, that you who keep up family prayer, that any of you do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?    (On Methods of Grace by George Whitefield)
Easy now, your entering into some personal space.  Are you saying that one of the reasons the church is losing its foundation is because of the apathy towards true Christianity, and possibly even the reality that there are a number of "Good Christians", who are not even true believers at all.  Yes, that is what I am saying, and I say that because we have forgotten what the Gospel is and means.  Yes for the most part, I would say that is the reason for our lack of understanding the Gospel.