Friday, April 29, 2011

Post-Easter Resurrection Thoughts

Okay so most people think about and really dwell upon the resurrection prior to Easter and then after the "holiday" they move on to another area or thought. But something struck me this morning as I was mowing the yard. I had my head phones in and I was listening to James McDonald's sermon from Easter Sunday, "Jesus Is Alive - I See It". The question that was posed was this, "Do we see the resurrection?" Are our eyes open by the word of the Holy Spirit to allow us to behold the Lamb that was slain now standing triumphant as the Savior of all those who believe. As I was listening to this message, something jumped out at me, do we see the resurrection in everyday life? Often I will use the phrase, that we need to live the cross centered life, and oh how that is true, but there is more than that. I think we need to be focused on the entire work of God in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His death, burial, and resurrection. It all encompasses the Gospel, without one piece the gospel would be null and void. So maybe I am looking at things a bit differently this year, and instead of enjoying Easter "day" and moving on, I am settling in and taking a long look at the beauty of the cross, and the glory in the resurrection. It should not be just a once a year moment in time, but instead it should be something we look to for every moment of our lives. For you see the death of Christ on the Cross and the Resurrection effect, not just that moment in history nearly 2000 years ago, but they effect the life of every believer and non-believer every year, every month, every day, every hour, every minute, and every second, throughout all the ages.

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